Monday, July 13, 2015

Episode 36 - Left Behind & One Of Them w/ Terri Lynne Hudson

Oh god, it's meat!  It's all meat!  Let's sit down and dig into another episode of Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where comedians are supposed to talk about the show Lost episode by episode, but instead mostly just digress into stupid bullshit.  Often, they talk about cum.  I don't know, it's gross.  In this week's episode, Collin is joined by actress/improviser Terri Lynne Hudson from Chicago's fabled SECOND CITY THEATER HOLY SHIT! (actual name) to talk about the Kate-centric episode "Left Behind" and the Juliet-centric episode "One Of Us".  Much talk of mud wrestling ensues.  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Terri's is@terrilynnehudsoThanks for listening, and Get Lost!