Great Jon Bonham's ghost, what a mustache! Welcome to Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where stand up comics talks about the hit show LOST episode by episode, moments by moments, day by day, until we're all dead and don't have a goddamn thing to show for it! On today's totally average in every way podcast outing, Collin is joined by others-described "obnoxious jew" Adam Kwaselow, who has not seen Lost before and mostly refers to the characters by ethnicity. They talk all about the time-travel Jaunt that is Because You Left, and the Hurly funny shirt adventure that is The Lie. Adam's twitter is @Kwaselow and Collin's is @collinabullock. Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!
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My dick is overall normal, maybe a little thicker than average, but I do legit have huge testicles. Welcome to Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, which is now the only podcast you listen to. You hear that, Serial? YA DONE! This is a podcast where dumb people are supposed to talk about the show Lost but then don't even do that. There is no audience for this. On this particular episode, Collin sits down with noted comedians "Bipolar" Brian Johnson and Shane Copland. I'll be honest with you guys, even by the ramshackle standards of this podcast this particular episode is a goddamn mess. Collin DVR'd the last like 40 minutes of one episode of the Carlton Cuse produced/Josh Holloway starring show Colony. They all watched it, and then spent like two minutes talking about it and like 40 minutes talking about getting Brian a date. Brian's Twitter is @bipolarbj, Shane's is @shanecopland (he claims it is otherwise on the actual episode) and Collin's is @collinabullock. Thanks for listening, and get lost!
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