Monday, March 23, 2015

Episode 26 - ? and Three Minutes w/ Aaron Sutherland

Hot buttered corndogs, it's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock!  This is a tasteless and stupid podcast where stand up comedians talk about the show Lost, episode by episode.  We also don't know why!  Collin is almost done with the second season, and so he invited comedian and podcaster Aaron Sutherland on to talk about the antepenultimate and penultimate episodes (respectively) of season 2:  ? (Eko-centric) and Three Minutes (Michael-centric).  Well, they're supposed to talk about that.  They eventually get to it, but in the meantime they just talk about jerking off, break ups, jerking off, love, jerking off, the internet, jerking off, pay offs to mysteries, jerking off, super racist theories, jerking off, jerking off, and more jerking off!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Aaron's is @WeLuvAaron.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Episode 25 - S.O.S. & Two For The Road w/ Dale Zawada

CREAK.  RATTLING CHAIN.  GHOST NOISES.  BOO.  BOO.  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the show where stand up comedians talk about the TV show Lost, episode by episode!  This week, your intrepid host Collin A. Bullock (Fox TV, Sirius XM, this podcast you're reading about right now) is joined by comic and award winning screenwriter Dale Zawada to discuss the Rose/Bernard-centric "S.O.S." and the Ana Lucia-centric "Two For The Road".  Along the way they talk about love, marriage, cancer, murder, spicy latinas, cum, and much more!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Dale's is @dalezawada.