Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Episode 42 - The Beginning Of The End & Confirmed Dead w/ Amanda Lynn Deal

I don't support Jeb, George, or George, but I do like a nice bush!  Welcome to Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a podcast where a comedian who's been on TV talks about the show LOST episode by episode!  Today, Collin is joined by comedian and feminist (yuck! am I right?) Amanda Lynn Deal to crack open a fresh new season of appointment TV that requires no appointment!  They discuss the Hurley-centric "The Beginning Of The End" and the freighter-people-centric "Confirmed Dead".  Also, Collin acts like a creep and Amanda admits that she prefers the darker meat!  Amanda's twitter is @FacePunchMoment and Collin's is @collinabullock.  Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Episode 40 - Through The Looking Glass Commentary Special w/ Aaron Sutherladn & Vickie Eisenstein

I WAS NEVER YOUR MOTHER!  Hello and welcome to Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a show with a necessary exclamation mark!  This is the show where stand up comedians sit down and talk about the show Lost, and usually just get derailed by dumb digressions!  This week, host Collin A. Bullock (FOX TV, Sirius XM, a bunch of other stuff you've never heard of) is joined by repeat guests Aaron Sutherland and Vickie Eisenstein to do live commentary on the season three finale Through The Looking Glass!  They discuss real bears versus fake beards, Matthew Fox's acting prowess and punching expertise, sex with the smoke monsters, and much more!  Aaron's twitter is @WeLuvAaron, Vicki's is @VickieIronStone, and Collin's is @collinabullock.  Thanks for listening, and get lost! 

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Episode 39 - Greatest Hits w/ Cameron Ford

And now, please bring to the stage the newest Miss Universe, Rosa Parks!  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the show where stand up comedians are supposed to talk about that show Lost from like ten years ago, but then just go off on stupid digressions.  On today's episode Collin sits down with musician/comedian Cameron Ford to talk about the VERY LAST episode centered around musician/heroin-addict Charlie Pace!  It's an intense discussion of sci-fi, music, and boners!  Cameron's twitter is @CameronJFord and Collin's is @awkwardpodcast.  Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Episode 38 - The Brig & The Man Behind The Curtain w/ John Eide

I wish the sadness would stop.  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a bold new exercise in flavor!  Every week, except for all the weeks where he doesn't put out an episode cause fuck it, Collin sits down with other funny people to talk about the hit ABC TV show Lost!  This week Collin is joined by comedian, rapper, wrestling-aficionado John Eide to talk about two of the best episodes the show ever did:  the Locke-centric "The Brig" and the Ben-centric "The Man Behind The Curtain".  Oh doozy, it's a good one.  Lordy!  Jesus!  Dieties of various natures!  John's twitter is @TheJohnEide and Collin's is @awkwardpodcast.  Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!  

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Episode 37 - Catch 22 & D.O.C. w/ Brandon Kieffer

MORE TOTS TO TABLE FOUR! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where stand up comedians are supposed to talk about the show Lost, but mostly just get distracted and start rambling about stupid bullshit. Today, Collin is joined by fellow stand-up comic Brandon Kieffer to talk about Catch 22, the Desmond episode WITHOUT any cool time-traveling stuff, and D.O.C., the Jin/Sun episode about Jizz. They also talk about the Olive Garden, A LOT. Collin's Twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Brandon forgot what his was. Thanks for listening, and GET LOST!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Episode 36 - Left Behind & One Of Them w/ Terri Lynne Hudson

Oh god, it's meat!  It's all meat!  Let's sit down and dig into another episode of Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where comedians are supposed to talk about the show Lost episode by episode, but instead mostly just digress into stupid bullshit.  Often, they talk about cum.  I don't know, it's gross.  In this week's episode, Collin is joined by actress/improviser Terri Lynne Hudson from Chicago's fabled SECOND CITY THEATER HOLY SHIT! (actual name) to talk about the Kate-centric episode "Left Behind" and the Juliet-centric episode "One Of Us".  Much talk of mud wrestling ensues.  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Terri's is@terrilynnehudsoThanks for listening, and Get Lost!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Episode 35 - The Man From Tallahassee & Expose w/ Kyle Parks!

Boobs are likes butts but on a different quadrant!  Welcome to Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the only podcast ever!  This is a show where stand up comedians talk about the hit ABC television program Lost, episode by episode!  In today's installment Collin sits down with comedian/podcaster/emo-kid Kyle Parks to talk about the game-changing John Locke-centric episode "The Man From Tallahassee" and the generally disliked (except by Collin, who enjoys it) Nikki/Paulo-centric "Expose".  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Kyle's is @turnstiles97.  Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Episode 34 - Enter 77 & Par Avion w/ Luke "Flip" Evans

Why am I always lactating?  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where stand up comedians are supposed to talk about the show "Lost" episode by episode but instead just go on stupid digressions.  This week, Collin is joined by noted comedian/cutoff-jean-short-aficionado Luke Evans (more commonly and sometimes even affectionately known as Flip) to talk about the Sayid/explosions-centric "Enter 77" and the Claire/Goth Claire-centric "Par Avion".  Seriously, goth Claire is the best Claire.  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Flip's is something I forgot I dunno it's at the end of the episode if you really wanna know.  Thanks for listening and get lost! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Episode 33 - Stranger in A Strange Land & Tricia Tanaka is Dead w/ Cecilia Laird

I don't know, do you want my biscuit?  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a show where stand up comedians spend about ten minutes talking about the plot of Lost episodes and then the rest of the time just talking about stupid bullshit like outer space or jizz or whatever.  Today's guest is a Mrs. Cecilia Laird, who had never seen Lost before but Collin needs to put out one of these a month and so it's probably best if he doesn't get too picky.  They talk about Stranger in a Strange Land, the Jack-centric episode with Bai Ling that many people consider the absolute WORST episode of Lost ever!  They also talk about the Hurley-centric episode Tricia Tanaka is Dead, which is kind of funny but most people just remember it as the Cheech episode.  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Cecilia's is @DoubleDare87.  Thanks for listening and GET LOST!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Episode 32 - Not In Portland & Flashes Before Your Eyes w/ Matt Riggs!

Load up the trunk, we're going to Canada! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the stupid podcast where stand up comedians are supposed to talk about Lost but always just end up going on digressions about stupid bullshit. In this episode Collin is joined by comedian/podcaster Matt Riggs to discuss Not In Portland (Juliet-centric) and Flashes Before Your Eyes (Desmond-centric). It's the greatest thing you've ever experienced! Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Matt's is @mattriggs. Thanks, and get lost!

Download/subscribe on iTunes!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Episode 31 - The Cost Of Living & I Do w/ Vickie Eisenstein

9/11 wasn't an inside job but your conception was just kidding!  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the show where comedians you don't know talk about a show that disappointed you.  In this, the 31st episode and Collin is just now realizing that he should have done something special when the episode numbers matched up with the magic numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 69, #420, #BLAZEIT) but it's too late now and who gives a shit anyway, Collin sits down with acclaimed comedian/actress/co-host of a Korean talk show called "chit-chat of the beauties" apparently Vickie Eisenstein, to talk all about the Mr. Eko-centric "The Cost Of Living" and the Kate-centric "I Do".  It's as dumb as you'd hope for!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Vicki's is @VickieIronStone.  Thanks for listening and Get Lost!

Download and/or subscribe on iTunes!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Episode 30 - Further Instructions & Every Man For Himself w/ Jack Baker

Everything has been on fire for months now! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock. This is a podcast where non-renowned stand up comedian Collin A. Bullock sits down with other funny people to talk about the show Lost episode by episode! It's a waste of time! This week Collin sits down with Jack Baker (Vs. The Net Podcast, Comedy Shrine) to talk about Further Instructions (Locke-centric) and Every Man For Himself (Sawyer-centric). They talk about sexy abs, pizza orders, why Benjamin Linus is awesome, and more! They even count down their top five favorite Lost characters! It's exciting stuff! Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Jack's is @TeamJackBaker. Thanks and get lost!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Episode 29 - A Tale Of Two Cities & The Glass Ballerina w/ Dave Metz

NOTE:  Due to Collin pressing several of the wrong buttons, as opposed to the right buttons, the audio quality of this episode could generously be referred to as "dogshit".  ADDITIONAL NOTE:  You did not pay for this podcast.  Holy cow on a biscuit, sorry Hindis, it's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock.  This is a podcast where stand up comedy legend Collin A. Bullock sits down with other funny people to talk about the TV show "Lost" episode by episode.  This week Collin sits down with non-self described "garbage jew" Dave Metz to talk about the first two episode of season three:  A Tale Of Two Cities (Jack-centric) and The Glass Ballerina (Sun/Jin-centric).  As it turns out, Dave never even read the text Collin sent him and so he didn't even watch the episodes.  They still manage them to break them down and give them ratings and also be super racist for no good reason!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Dave's is @lake_superior.  Thanks for listening, and Get Lost!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Episode 29 - Weezer's Hurley w/ David Rader

The baby is gone, where is the baby? It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the podcast where stand up comedians talk about the show Lost episode by episode, and then just abandon that like seven minutes in and start talking about cum or something. In this week's episode we abandon even that flimsy premise, and instead just bring guest Daid Rader on to talk about Weezer's Lost-inspired album Hurley. It's terrible. We also talk about some good Weezer albums, as well as a bunch of other dumb shit. Collin's Twitter is @awkwardpodcast and David's is @sirdavidrader. Enjoy, and Get Lost!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Episode 27 - Live Together, Die Alone Commentary Special

Jesus died for your sins and is risen!  It's time for Get Lost with Collin A. Bullock. the podcast where comedians talk about the show Lost.  At least, that's the official tag line.  It's kind of quickly becoming a chronicle of one man's descent into madness as stand up comedian Collin A. Bullock watches every single episode of Lost and talks about it kind of.  A human being isn't supposed to talk about one show this much.  Anyway, on this edition of the podcast Collin provides a running commentary on the second season finale.  He talks about the four-toed statute, the parallels between Locke and Eko, one time that he peed his pants, and a bunch of other stuff!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast.  Get lost, y'all!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Episode 26 - ? and Three Minutes w/ Aaron Sutherland

Hot buttered corndogs, it's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock!  This is a tasteless and stupid podcast where stand up comedians talk about the show Lost, episode by episode.  We also don't know why!  Collin is almost done with the second season, and so he invited comedian and podcaster Aaron Sutherland on to talk about the antepenultimate and penultimate episodes (respectively) of season 2:  ? (Eko-centric) and Three Minutes (Michael-centric).  Well, they're supposed to talk about that.  They eventually get to it, but in the meantime they just talk about jerking off, break ups, jerking off, love, jerking off, the internet, jerking off, pay offs to mysteries, jerking off, super racist theories, jerking off, jerking off, and more jerking off!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Aaron's is @WeLuvAaron.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Episode 25 - S.O.S. & Two For The Road w/ Dale Zawada

CREAK.  RATTLING CHAIN.  GHOST NOISES.  BOO.  BOO.  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, the show where stand up comedians talk about the TV show Lost, episode by episode!  This week, your intrepid host Collin A. Bullock (Fox TV, Sirius XM, this podcast you're reading about right now) is joined by comic and award winning screenwriter Dale Zawada to discuss the Rose/Bernard-centric "S.O.S." and the Ana Lucia-centric "Two For The Road".  Along the way they talk about love, marriage, cancer, murder, spicy latinas, cum, and much more!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Dale's is @dalezawada.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Episode 24 - Lockdown and Dave w/ Stephen Kamikowski

Hot buttered nuts!  It's time for Get Lost, the podcast where stand up comedians talk about the hit TV show Lost, which is like this kind of sci-fi action thing with a  survival element and there's a smoke monster.  It's pretty good, you should check it out.  This week Collin is joined by Stephen Kamikoswki, a dude Collin went to high school with!  They talk about Lockdown (Locke-centric) and Dave (Hurley-centric).  Fun times abound!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Stephen's is something Collin can't find.  Enjoy!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Episode 23 - Maternity Leave & The Whole Truth w/ Dan Friesen

Gazoinks! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a stupid show where stand up comedians sit around and talk about the show Lost, which ended ten years ago and is now-a-days met with conflicted reactions, to put it politely. This week, Collin is joined by comedian and podcaster Dan Friesen, host of the Friesen Point podcast. They talk about Maternity Leave (Claire-centric) and The Whole Truth (Sun/Jin-centric). Are these episodes any good? What's the Dharma Initiative? What's the rules on island pregnancy? Why are we even doing this podcast? Some of these questions get answers, but you probably won't get it or appreciate it. JUST LIKE LOST! BOOM! Anyway, Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Dan's is @friesenpoint

Download the podcast on iTunes

Monday, February 2, 2015

Episode 22 - The Long Con & One Of Them w/ Samuel William Paul

Long live the new flesh! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a show based around a dumb name and some really stellar artwork! Every week stand-up comedian Collin A. Bullock sits down with other funny people and they talk about the action/adventure/survival/sci-fi/romance/bugfuck/disappointing TV show Lost. This week Collin sits down with comic Samuel William Paul and they talk about the Sawyer-centric The Long Con and the Sayid-centric One Of Them. They discuss cons, who the smartest person on the island is, predictability, war, and some guy named Henry Gale. Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Samuel's is @SWilliamPaul.

Download the podcast on iTunes!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Episode 21 - The Hunting Party & Fire + Water w/ Vince Salvani

Dad, I told you to stay out of here!  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a show based around a dumb name and even dumber artwork!  Every week stand-up comedian Collin A. Bullock (Sirius XM, Fox TV, a bunch of other shit you've never heard of) sits down with other funny people and they talk about the TV show Lost!  On this edition of the podcast, Collin sits down with stand-up comic/writer/podcaster Vince Salvali to talk about The Hunting Party (Jack-centric) and Fire +Water (Charlie-centric) from season 2!  This is actually a pretty focused discussion of the show Lost, except for the all the dirty jokes and pointless digressions!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Vince's is @funnytastevince

Download the podcast on iTunes or just click that little box below!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Episode 20 - What Kate Did & The 23rd Psalm w/ "Bipolar Brian Johnson"

It's on your face! It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock. This is a podcast where comedians are supposed to talk about the show Lost, but usually just talk about their dicks or something. In this episode, Collin is joined by comedian/self-described "retard" Brian Johnson. They talk about Kate, murder, Mr. Eko, more murder, Brian's sad sex life, and much more! Collin's Twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Brian is probably on Twitter but Collin can't find his handle. Anyway, enjoy!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Episode 19 - The Other 48 Days and Collision w/ Nick Martin

Dear god, they're coming right for us!  It's time for Get Lost! with Collin A. Bullock, a show where a stand up comedian talks about show you probably didn't like by the end of.  Honestly, the whole show is based around a dumb name and even dumber logo art.  In this episode, Collin is joined by comedian and big ol' weirdo Nick Martin to talk about the season 2 episodes The Other 48 Days (Tailies-centric) and Collision (Ana Lucia-centric).  Things gets weirdly racist, and also just weirdly weird.  A lot of non sequitors and tangents into nothing in this episode.  You've been warned!  Collin's twitter is @awkwardpodcast and Nick's is @ihatenickmartin 

Download the podcast on iTunes or just click that little box below!